Alex Translation Services
8428 Amsden Ridge Circle, Suite 201
Bloomington · Minnesota 55438 USA

Tel.:  +1.952.856.0884  ◊  Fax:  +1.952.200.4727

We typically respond to any inquiry and/or request for a quote within less than
1 hour. If you send an inquiry or a request for a quote between 6 am and 6 pm
US Central Standard Time on any day and don't hear from us within 1 hour,
it is likely that your message is not delivered, so please call us.



Give us a call!

 Let us show you

 what we can do for YOU!!!

Alex Translation Services
8428 Amsden Ridge Circle, Suite 201 Bloomington Minnesota 55438 USA
Tel.: 952.856.0884 ·  Fax: 952.223.0210
©2023 Alex Translation Services. All Rights Reserved.